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7 Factors That Guide Cybersecurity Strategy

如果你没有一个策略来指导你的组织如何预防和响应网络攻击, 你可能会有一些缺口,这些缺口为你打开了比你想象的更大的风险之门. On the other hand, when you are strategic, 你可以确信,你所做的不仅仅是管理风险,而且实际上是降低风险.

Lower Cyber Risk by Being Strategic

How do you create a cybersecurity strategy that lowers cyber risk? The details are going to be specific to your company, 但我们会给你一些谈话要点,这些要点应该包括在你的战略讨论中. Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

  1. The Overlap of Cybersecurity and IT Management
  2. Cybersecurity is a Dynamic Process
  3. A Cybersecurity Process is Built in Layers
  4. Cybersecurity Tactics Are Based on Standards
  5. Security Controls Are Customized
  6. Cybersecurity Budget Considerations
  7. Start with a Cybersecurity Assessment

1. The Overlap of Cybersecurity and IT Management

记住,安全不是孤立于您为管理It所做的一切之外的筒仓,这一点很有帮助. 澳门赌场网址大全应该融入到你的流程、实践和购买决策中. 这需要高水平的协作,以便每个人都能达成一致.

At the same time, security and IT management sometimes conflict. For example, 添加多因素身份验证(MFA)意味着人们需要采取额外的步骤来访问他们的帐户. 他们可能会习惯它,因为它融入了他们的日常生活,但当措施实施时,可能会有一些阻力. While some practices can’t be compromised, feedback from IT management as well as technology users, should be considered when creating and refining cybersecurity strategy.

2. Cybersecurity is a Dynamic Process

There’s no “set it and forget it” with cybersecurity. 事实上,这就是您需要策略的原因,因为它定义了您的安全方法. An approach is different from a plan. 当你在处理澳门赌场网址大全问题时,你就会明白你必须不断发展, that requires that you have components of your plan that support change.

This isn’t as complicated as it sounds. 它可以简单地将日常审计添加到您的计划中,以便您可以评估每件事的工作情况并根据需要进行更改. It can be giving staff the autonomy to make quick decisions. 这也让员工有时间阅读、研究和跟上不断变化的趋势.

3. A Cybersecurity Process is Built with Layers

有效的澳门赌场网址大全流程是由各层共同构建的,以创建坚实的防御. For example, 比方说,一封垃圾邮件通过了你的电子邮件过滤器,一名员工点击了下载恶意软件入侵的链接. That intruder is going to get caught by your Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tool.

非技术层的安全与技术层一样重要. Non-technical security measures include physical security and policies that determine how accounts and company data can be accessed. 另一个非技术层面是澳门赌场网址大全意识培训,这将使员工更有可能识别可疑电子邮件,避免点击或下载有害内容.

Related: Cybersecurity Basics: 12 Essential Layers You Can’t Ignore

4. Cybersecurity Tactics Are Based on Standards

构成澳门赌场网址大全计划的策略应该基于明确的标准. 对于具有法规遵从性要求(如HIPAA)的行业来说,这是一个熟悉的领域, PCI DSS, FISMA and CMMC. 这些法规基于包含保护信息的具体标准的框架.

标准提供了安全性实现方式的一致性,这是每个公司都需要的. However, not every company needs to completely follow a specific framework. 这就是虚拟首席信息安全官(vCISO)的指导. vCISO提供执行和战术指导,以准确地确定哪些标准是满足特定组织的风险概况和容忍度所必需的.

Related: Learn about Compliance Frameworks

5. Security Controls Are Customized

澳门赌场网址大全标准不仅可以根据组织的需求定制, but the security controls that implement standards can be customized as well. 您的组织的操作将决定如何选择安全控制. Sometimes, however, 需要对业务流程进行调整或完全更改,以使其安全.

当您将安全控制与标准保持一致时,您有一些选择, there are some pieces on which you can’t compromise. For example, 使用多因素身份验证(MFA)或保持软件更新并打补丁应该是不容置疑的.

6. Cybersecurity Budget Considerations

If you use the internet at all, 你需要安全,你今天为保护你的业务免受网络犯罪而支付的金额无疑比五年前甚至三年前要多. 这是因为网络犯罪分子已经发展了他们的技术,安全技术也在不断发展.

这里是vCISO在创建安全策略时发挥重要作用的另一个地方. They can help you to avoid overlapping capabilities as you’re choosing tools, and make sure that they’re compatible and can integrate. They can also help you plan and budget for long term security improvements.

7. Start with a Cybersecurity Assessment

当你想让你的网络风险管理工作从命中或失败到战略, your first step should be to get a cybersecurity assessment. 评估将评估您现在正在做的事情,并将其与安全最佳实践和您的风险概况进行比较. 然后,在构建澳门赌场网址大全战略时,您可以根据最紧急的情况确定安全路线图的优先级.

Related: What’s Involved with a Cybersecurity Assessment?

Cybersecurity Strategy for New Orleans Businesses

当你在制定澳门赌场网址大全战略时,你要明白有很多事情需要考虑? 大多数公司需要帮助来建立一个自信的网络防御,这就是Bellwether的作用. At Bellwether, 我们与客户一起制定将所有因素考虑在内的澳门赌场网址大全战略.

我们当地的澳门赌场网址大全专业团队在这里保护您,而不是为您提供最新的安全软件. 这个过程将建立在你的组织需要什么,而不是我们想卖给你什么.

Get in touch to schedule a security consultation.