
If you want to have a shot at qualifying for cyber insurance and get the best possible rates, you have to show that your company is effectively managing cyber risks. 不幸的是, it’s getting harder and harder to get cyber insurance even if you’re trying to renew an existing policy. 如果你不相信,那就看看当前的应用程序吧.

当他们考虑你的风险状况时, insurance underwriters want to know what security controls you have in place. The answers to the questions on the application get technical really fast. 事实上, most insurance companies are asking you to consult your IT department in order to complete the form.

如果你是签署申请的主管, you’re going to have to attest to the accuracy of the information so in any case, it’s a good idea to get technical expertise to interpret and complete your cyber insurance application.

You don’t want to be like the CEO of an Illinois manufacturing company who signed a cyber insurance application but then had a claim denied because they weren’t actually using all of the security controls that they indicated they were. (这是《澳门网赌大全网址》上的报道.)


申请表上有什么? That depends on the insurance company and what you’re applying for, but here are a few components of your security strategy that may be found in the list of must-have cybersecurity tactics:

  • 多因素认证(MFA)
  • 端点检测和响应(EDR)
  • 防病毒/反恶意软件
  • 电子邮件过滤器
  • 管理检测和响应(MDR)
  • 系统硬化
  • 网络市场细分
  • 安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)
  • 不可变的异地备份
  • 移动设备管理(MDM)
  • 事件应变计划
  • 澳门赌场网址大全意识培训
  • 安全策略

Cyber insurance applications will also ask for information that describes the kind of information you gather and store. You can also expect many of the questions to pertain to your policies that govern how data is accessed.

If you’re getting the idea that there’s a lot involved with applying for cyber insurance, 你是对的. You shouldn’t just ditch the idea of applying for insurance just because the application process is complex. 事实上, getting this type of insurance isn’t optional if it’s required by your customers or regulatory compliance.


Let’s look at the benefits you can generally expect to get from cyber insurance in exchange for the work and investment that goes into the application process.

*请注意,这是一般福利清单. Refer to your insurance rep for specific information about recommended coverage as well as policy inclusions and exclusions.


在最基本的层面上, cyber insurance will help to cover the costs to get your business up and running again. This should include costs to get your equipment cleaned and operational, as well as restoration of your data to a level where you can resume basic business operations.


你的保险可能包括你生意不景气时所产生的费用, both while the attack is happening and while your IT team is working to restore your IT systems and data.


You may have other financial losses in addition to those caused by downtime. 当你的名誉受损时, it can be hard to stay competitive because you’ve lost the trust of customers and prospective customers. 你可能也会发现更难找到和留住员工.


You may have legal costs and penalties if the incident exposes confidential data that belongs to your customers, 供应商或员工. Exposing intellectual property of customers can result in legal proceedings to collect damages associated with loss of their competitive advantage. 就个人而言, you may need to pay for a service to provide alerts if personal data shows up on the dark web.


Many cyber insurance policy holders get access to a professional communications team to guide in reporting the incident and crafting the messages that need to be conveyed to different audiences – from customers, 供应商和员工向执法部门和媒体举报.


对事故的调查可能包括在你的保单中. The work of a forensic team to determine the cause and extent of the breach is important so that you know what to do to prevent the same thing from happening again.


As you’re contemplating the cyber insurance application process and benefits you can expect from being insured, there’s something else that you should consider and that’s your cyber risk posture. By beefing up security and including cyber insurance in your security strategy, 你实际上是在提高你预防疾病的能力, 对网络威胁和攻击做出反应并迅速恢复. That’s what organizations need to build sustainable businesses in the modern world.

Did you know that resiliency is actually the goal of cybersecurity? 它是, because no one can ever 100% guarantee that you’ll never have an intruder incident or a data breach.


这里是风向标, our clients call on us to not only help them navigate through the complexities of cyber insurance applications, but to build a cyber defense that’s suited for their unique risk profile. By partnering with us, they get access to all the cybersecurity expertise and technologies they need. The result is that business leaders have confidence that they’re doing everything they can to effectively manage cyber risks.

If that’s not what you’re getting from your internal or outsourced IT team, 是时候做些更好的事情了.

保持联系 安排澳门赌场网址大全评估.