
总有一天,小型企业的领导者会被迫重新思考他们业务的IT功能,并问自己——我们是应该继续拥有内部IT人员,还是应该外包管理IT服务? It could be that the IT manager is leaving or there’s been a lot of turn-over in IT. 也许组织遭到了网络攻击. It could be that the business has grown, and technology needs have become more sophisticated.

不管是什么情况, 这给公司带来了压力, especially if it looks like there’s going to be a gap in IT support. Before you rush into anything, however, look at this as the perfect time to weigh your options. Evaluate what you’ve been doing with a critical eye, 然后保持开放的心态,这样你就可以考虑之前可能被排除在外的其他选择.

来帮助你的评估, here are some pros and cons of internal IT compared to 招聘 a managed service provider (MSP).




1. 现场工作人员

When you have staff at your facility, they can respond in-person to support requests. If you have an IT role that’s specifically focused on helping staff, that’s even better. 不幸的是, small IT departments usually can’t dedicate one person to act as a 帮助台, 所以这个角色是他们众多职责之一.

2. 与员工的关系

因为他们是你们中的一员, 你的内部员工与他们的同事分享经验,并有机会了解别人. If your IT staff are good communicators and relationship builders, then they can use those abilities when they’re helping people use technology tools.

3. 了解你的业务

你的内部IT人员只需要了解一项业务,这有利于深入了解他们的知识. 理想情况下,您的内部IT人员偶尔有机会走出您的办公室,这样他们就可以跟上您所在行业的技术趋势,并将这些知识带回给您.


1. 员工流失率

Staff turnover could be a reason not to keep your internal IT department. The IT industry is very competitive and if your folks jump ship for a different opportunity, 招聘是有成本的, 招聘, 培训一个替代者. If there’s a gap in staffing, the stress can impact employee retention.

相关: 5 Ways 托管IT服务 Solve Your IT Staffing Problems

2. 对制度知识的依赖

When you’re considering the stress that staff turnover could have on your internal IT department, 您还应该考虑,当关键员工离开时,您的IT系统知识将流失多少. 拥有完整的文档使其他人更容易介入管理和排除问题. If creating the documentation wasn’t on top of your IT manager’s list of things to do, it will be harder and take longer for the next person to get up to speed.

3. 不一致的报道

Even when you have all your positions for internal IT filled, you could still have some gaps in coverage when people take time off. Planning ahead can help to lessen the impact of an empty seat, but you might have to place restrictions on when IT staff can and cannot take time off.

4. 有限的知识

IT是复杂的,并且一直在变化. 有多个学科被包裹成一个整体,都需要覆盖-网络管理, 澳门赌场网址大全, 帮助台, IT策略,仅举几例. 没有一个人或一个小团队可以无所不知. 更重要的是, 每个人都有自己的技能和激情,这可能会导致他们把时间花在IT的一个领域上,而忽略了其他领域.

5. 有限的带宽

Even if your small team could know everything there is to know, 一天只有那么多小时. 当IT过于紧张时,通常会发生的情况是,管理和维护被搁置一边,而员工则解决问题并处理眼前的紧迫问题. Ultimately, the priority problem is a system failure.

6. 抗拒改变

Not everyone likes change, and if there’s one thing that’s a constant with technology it’s change. 变化总是伴随着新的学习曲线,如果你的IT人员已经在努力完成所有事情并让每个人都满意, they’re likely to push back on initiatives that will bring more work.

7. 领导缺乏

If you want to get all the value that you can out of your technology, you need to have expert guidance to take you along a path to improvement. Thinking strategically is very different from being a technical manager and problem solver. 您的基本IT支持人员可能没有经验,也没有与领导层一起讨论战略的愿望.

相关: IT没有为你的业务服务? 管理It服务的时代到了

Go a New Direction and Outsource 托管IT服务

Look at the gap in internal IT as a fork in the road. 你可以选择的方向不止一个, and one turn points you to outsourced managed IT services.


1. 访问每个IT专业

托管服务提供商(MSP)将为您提供整个IT部门的专业知识,包括在您的月费中. 通过MSP在你的团队中拥有专家,可以为你的公司带来原本无法拥有的能力. 你自己雇佣所有的角色是不现实的,因为你不需要那种水平的能力, 更不用说成本将是天文数字.

2. 工作角色与个性的一致性

人们倾向于专注于与他们的天赋和个性相匹配的活动,而避免那些与他们的核心技能和兴趣无关的任务. 因为MSP是整个部门的员工, 他们能够更好地将工作角色与这些自然倾向结合起来,这样你就能找到喜欢他们所做的事情的人,而且不会丢球.

3. 更好地管理网络风险

Because an MSP has a dedicated 澳门赌场网址大全 department, they’ll have the capacity to look at the entire cyber threat landscape and pivot with changing needs. They’ll be able to craft a security strategy that matches your risk tolerance and needs for compliance. 网络犯罪形势在不断发展,你可以依靠他们来确保你的防御是最新的.

4. 恰到好处的容量

中小型企业不需要全职员工来担任综合IT部门的大部分角色. With an MSP you essentially get whatever portion you actually need of each role. Additionally, with managed IT services, you can scale up or down as your needs change. This is especially useful if you have seasonal ups and downs or if you anticipate fast growth.

5. 快速响应时间

When you sign up for managed IT services, you’ll be able to set expectations for response time. MSP很有可能比内部团队移动的速度要快得多,因为带宽限制和有人休假时覆盖范围的差距. 当你的人知道他们会得到帮助, 他们的工作效率会更高,不需要浪费时间创建可能会导致额外问题的变通方法.

6. 知识冗余和文档

外包托管IT服务提供商不会依赖于部落知识来传递有关您的IT系统的信息. One of the first tasks they’ll do will be to document your network. Then everything they do will have a paper trail so that knowledge can be shared, 消除了重复的工作.

7. 它指导

与MSP合作的最大好处之一是获得vCIO(虚拟首席信息官)的服务,他会就长期的技术改进和新技术的采用向您提供建议. Without this expertise, it’s likely that IT investments won’t pan out. vCIO指导将帮助您选择正确的技术,并确保它与系统的其余部分兼容,从而获得预期的结果.

相关: 获取托管IT服务指南


1. 不是现场

托管IT服务提供商将需要现场技术人员定期访问您的设施, 但这与现场工作人员不同. Most problems will be resolved remotely and your people will get used to a different way of getting help, but some people might still prefer to flag down the IT staff personally.

2. 了解你的学习曲线

Even if an MSP has worked with other companies in your industry, it’s going to take a bit of time for them to learn about the intricacies of your business. That goes for your vCIO as much as it is for Service Desk technicians.

3. 不同类型的员工关系

当您与托管IT服务提供商合作时, 你可以期望了解你需要一起工作的人,但这与你的员工之间的关系并不完全相同,因为他们不是同一公司文化的一部分.


让我们面对现实吧, 除非你是一家非常大的公司,你有足够的资源来配备你需要的每一个IT和澳门赌场网址大全专业人员, 内部IT只会部分覆盖你需要的东西,而破坏修复IT也不会更好. 现在是探索托管It服务的时候了.

You may never have considered this before because you thought your company was too small, 你的需求太简单, 或者管理IT超出了你的能力范围. The truth is that working with an MSP will actually help you get more value out of your technology. It’s cost effective and may even cost less money than what you’re paying now.


澳门网赌大全网址, 我们为拥有10到300名员工的组织提供全面的技术管理方法, 所有这些都是固定的月费. 我们经过验证的托管IT服务交付模型使您能够战略性地使用技术,从而推动您的业务向前发展. 当你有策略的时候, 您可以将IT资源集中在您的目标上, 改进你管理风险的方式, 为未来做计划和预算——同时为员工和客户提供他们渴望的技术体验.

澳门网赌大全网址 to explore what this would look like for your company.
