


Gary说, 澳门赌场网址大全’s superpower is the way that everyone in the organization shares information. 沟通是否采用客户会议的形式, 与同事一对一讨论, 或者创建文档, 结果是人们获得了理解. Understanding is essential for making connections and facilitating forward movement. Gary is a Project Resource at Bellwether and in his 28 years with the company he’s facilitated a lot of forward movement for clients, 的同事们, 以及他自己的职业生涯. He’s seen a lot of changes during the four decades that have passed since he started working in IT in the […]


微软365 Business Premium的安全优势 

如果你曾经对微软365授权感到困惑,那么你并不孤单. Microsoft offers their applications in many different bundles that are designed to address various business needs from the basic to enterprise level. While it can be difficult to decipher exactly what is included in every subscription, 好消息是,很有可能有一款适合你. 你只需要找出是哪一个. Subscriptions versus Licenses Gone are the days when Microsoft delivered your version of office apps via a box with a CD. 现在所有的东西都按月或按年提供[…]


Take Communication and Collaboration to the Next Level with Microsoft Teams Phones 

Microsoft Teams has become the favorite collaboration platform for organizations who appreciate having the apps they use every day all in one workspace. Did you know that it’s now possible to pull all your phone communications into Teams too? Moving to Teams Phones can solve many problems that you’re having with your phone system right now. It’s time for an upgrade if you have poor call quality and dropped calls; high maintenance costs and concerns about security; or the system is just too inflexible and takes too much time to manage. Razorline,一个本地的商业通讯供应商,安装团队电话[…]



Server 2012结束支持的时间已经不多了

The Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 operating systems are going out of support on October 10, 2023, 网络犯罪分子正摩拳擦掌,期待着. 为什么? Because they know there will be a lot of networks that will continue to run the unsupported software and that will make them easy targets to exploit as new security vulnerabilities are discovered. Running unsupported software is a big risk because the developer no longer creates security patches to mitigate new vulnerabilities as they’re discovered. Cyber-criminals will continue to discover new holes where they can sneak into a computer via unpatched software. 一旦[…]




澳门赌场网址大全 awareness training is included with the security services that we provide to our clients here at Bellwether. 我们这样做是因为我们明白澳门赌场网址大全不仅仅是技术问题. It’s about behavior and training people in best practices so they don’t inadvertently let a cyber intruder onto their device and into their employer’s network. July has become known as Ransomware Month to remind people of the threat that this kind of malicious software poses to companies everywhere. 勒索软件只是互联网上普遍存在的一种恶意软件. 为什么只关注这一种而不关注其他呢? Ransomware[…]




罗德尼是澳门网赌大全网址公司的专业服务经理. 他在IT行业工作了三十多年, 大部分时间都在澳门网赌大全网址公司. It was during his high school years that he became interested in computers when his brother-in-law introduced him to the world of technology. 他发现自己热爱这份工作,但他在it行业的职业生涯几乎没有起飞. Rodney was walking out of his house to become a supervisor at a Wendy’s restaurant when he got a call from Poco Sloss, 风向标所有者, 当时被称为“计算机之地”. 少[…]



澳门网赌大全网址科技公司是2019 - 2023年新奥尔良最佳工作场所

(2023年6月26日年,新奥尔良, 洛杉矶——这已经是连续第五年了, 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司, 管理IT服务公司, 被评为新奥尔良最佳工作场所. Credit for this honor goes to Bellwether employees who provided their feedback about their work experience through a confidential survey. The survey collects employee feelings about company culture and engagement and compares them with benchmarks that have emerged from a data base that includes more than 27 million surveys from over 70,在16年的时间里,我帮助了1000个组织. “最终,是我们的员工负责[…]



The former rectory building attached to Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Uptown New Orleans might seem like an unlikely location for a company that’s all about technology. The striking contrast between local history and cutting-edge technology was intentional as we made the historic building our corporate home in April of this year. The building had been vacant since Hurricane Katrina blew through in 2005 but it had good structure and it was interesting. 当我们在为我们的新办公室寻找最佳地点时, being interesting and different from traditional workspaces was important because we didn’t merely want […]




销售软件的公司, 制造零件或法律服务是非常不同的业务类型, 然而,他们都有一些共同点. They’re all faced with an increasing need to prove that they are safeguarding the data that they gather, 使用和储存. Sometimes the need for security compliance comes from legal regulations but for an increasing number of organizations, 对安全遵从性的需求来自他们的客户或供应商. 在本文中, we’re going to explore how cybersecurity compliance requirements are extending into industries that haven’t traditionally been regulated and present an overview of the compliance […]




澳门赌场网址大全 is not just about technology tools and checking the right boxes to make sure all your software is working in tandem. 如果是这样,那么安全策略将是一个设置和忘记的过程. 不幸的是, there is no easy button for standing up a solid cyber defense and when you work with an outsourced cybersecurity services provider, 您在自己的安全成功中发挥着关键作用. 事实上, instead of thinking about the cybersecurity services company you work with as a provider, 你应该把他们当成搭档. 为了使合作关系发挥作用,每个[…]

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